iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

Deputy Commissioner (DC) Mokokchung, Thsuvisie Phoji has permitted the UCN Construction Co. Pvt. Ltd. to carry out blasting of hard rocks at certain chainages to clear ROW for wideningof road at existing single lane road to intermediate lane road from Mokokchung to Chare via Dikhu in the state of Nagaland on 31st July 2024 from morning 7:00 AM to 6:00

PM with the following terms and conditions:-

The contractor shall ensure safety and security of the life and property of public using the road.

The company should follow all the relevant rules of the explosives Act/Rule, 2008.

The UCN Construction Co Pvt. Ltd. will be responsible for any damage of life and property. And this permit shall remain valid for the above mentioned day i.e. 31st July 2024.


 (DPRO Mokokchung)