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A farewell programme in honour of the officers and staff of Planning & Transformation Department was held at hotel Japfii, Kohima on 31st July 2024. The event was attended by various officials, staff and well-wishers to bid farewell to the outgoing officers and staff.

Principal Secretary & Development Commissioner, R. Ramakrishnan, IAS highlighted their contribution in the department throughout their services and acknowledge them for the humility and dedication rendered towards their service. Ramakrishnan impressed upon them to continue to contribute towards the society even after their retirement by utilising their wisdom and expertise that they had gained during their service.

Deputy Development Commissioner, Vilhounuo gave a brief detail about the retirees and their histories stating that they have served 35 years in the department with utmost dedication and perseverance. On behalf of the department, she also expressed her heartfelt gratitude to them for their good contribution and mentorship. She also mentioned that the outgoing officers’ passionate character and behaviour towards others is benevolent and considerate and their attitude of working is truly inspirational and encouraging. Besides being excellent, efficient and hardworking, they are the one who took the entire responsibilities of the department with all their efforts. In times of crucial situations, they are the role models and mentoring the right track to go on. Their wisdom and guidance have been the foundation of our growth, she added.

The outgoing officers in their farewell speech acknowledge all the successful year of working in the department to Almighty God.  They also encouraged all officers to work harder to achieve their goals and to uplift the people and to extend the same cooperation to everyone. They also lauded their officers and staff of the Department for their dedication and sacrifices despite being confront with many challenges and encouraged all to continue their dedication towards providing good service. While reflecting on the 35 years of service they expressed gratitude for the unwavering support they received. They also credited the achievements of the departments to the collective effort and cooperation of the team, stating that any gaps or failures were all handle as a team. They expressed their heartfelt appreciation for the love and affection, noting that their journey at the department had been deeply fulfilling.

Deputy Chief Minister Nagaland, T.R. Zeliang in a message extended his heartfelt gratitude for the outstanding and remarkable service they have rendered to the Department and the State Government. He stated that it has always been teamwork and he was thankful for the cooperation in all matters of the department and their guidance has been invaluable and their mentorship has been a source of great help to everyone.


(Siizo Kikhi IA)