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In pursuant of Ministry of Education, Department of Higher Education, letter no. 1-39/2018-NS-I dated the 24.07.2024, it is hereby notified for information of all concerned that the National Scholarship Portal for Pradhan Mantri Uchchatar Shiksha Protsahan Central Sector of Scholarship for College and University Students (PM-USP CSSS) is now live for application from the students in higher education.

It may kindly be noted that students who were placed in the Top Twenty percentile in Higher Secondary School Leaving Certificate Examination (HSSLC) and with gross parental annual income up to ₹ 4.5 lakhs are eligible to apply for this scholarship through the National Scholarship Portal (https://scholarships.gov.in). Therefore, Heads of concerned college/institution are requested to spread awareness about the scheme to the students.

The guidelines for the component scheme received from Ministry is enclosed for ready reference.