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The monthly Wokha District Planning & Development Board meeting was held on 20th August at Deputy Commissioner Conference hall, Wokha. The meeting was chaired by MLA & Chairman DPDB, Wokha Y.M.Humtsoe. The chairman welcomed the new Deputy Commissioner, Wokha Vineet Kumar (IAS). The new Deputy Commissioner, Wokha in his address appealed all Head of Offices in the district to extend support and co-operation in the course of working for the betterment of the district.

Reviewing the last meeting minute, in regard to maintenance and repair of Wokha- Merapani road, which is supposed to be taken up by NIHDCL, Deputy Commissioner & V/chairman DPDB Wokha Vineet Kumar informed the board that he will personnel take up the matter with the concerned company for early execution of work and to ensure that maintenance of work are carried out at the earliest.

The board deliberated and approved for recommendation in regard for re-organization of Administrative jurisdiction/ proposal for shifting of the following three (3) villages namely HANKU, YANKELI and N.LONGCHUM from Wozhuro EAC (Hq) to SDO (C) Ralan.

In regard to status of Wokha district headquarter roads, Junior Engineer (JE) Urban Development informed the board that proposal and DPR has already been submitted to higher authority and awaiting sanction for carrying out maintenance and construction of district roads. Deputy Commissioner reminded all Head of Offices and staff to remain in their place of posting and serve the people of the district. He further informed the board members to submit agendas in advance so that fruitful discussion can be made. DC also requested department of Agriculture and Horticulture to present power point presentation in the next DPDB meeting.

DC requested all Head of Offices to extend assistance in regard to the upcoming State Level Badminton tournament scheduled to be held in the month of October 2024 at Wokha.
The proposal submitted by District Sports Officer, Wokha for construction of Sports infrastructure, like rostrum, gallery, retaining wall, drainage, earth work extension, boundary wall and multi-purpose hall at department site located at Niropen, Wokha town, the chairman assured the board to take up the matter to the government for consideration.

ADC, Wokha Renbomo Ezung, thanked all the head of offices in the district for the support extended in successful conduct of the Independence Day celebration. He also informed the board about the Government notification on complete ban on the sale and use of single-use plastic items throughout Wokha district.


(DPRO & IA, Wokha)