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MLA, Kuzholuzo Nienu while calling the attention to the matter of urgent public importance pertaining to the ‘Ceasefire and Law and Order situation in the State’ pointed out that our state Home Department should have Comprehensive Transfer and Posting, since most of the security personnel are posted in their respective hometown station and called upon the Home department to ponder seriously on this matter so that the personnel from each district are fairly distributed to all the districts of the state. He said this during the 2nd day of the 5th session of 14th NLA on 29th August 2024.

MLA, Kuzholuzo Nienu also stated that the Ceasefire Agreement was signed bring peace in the state but has resulted in counterproductive since under the umbrella of Ceasefire, more fractions have popped up and a number of kidnappings, ransoms, extortions, killings, assaults cases have mushroomed in the state. Therefore, he questioned the house if the state needs the Ceasefire Agreement with the Centre then the Ceasefire Agreement ground rules need to be changed or reviewed immediately that needs to be checked and followed.

During the Zero Hour, Deputy Chief Minister & Minister-in-charge of Home, Y. Patton while replying to the question raised by Achumbemo Kikon, in regard of steps and measures taken by the government and police for the prevention of influx of illegal immigrants from Bangladesh said that the Government of Nagaland and the Police department is closely monitoring about the situation in Bangladesh. Patton informed that the intelligence teams has been activated and is kept vigil round the clock to tackle the situation in the event of any information about illegal immigrants from Bangladesh entering Nagaland through Assam.

He further enlightened the house that a Committee has been formed including Administration, Police, Army and all stakeholders to monitor the situation and informed that the Administration and Police have already activated strict vigilance by erecting check post in the 13 interstate routes and eyes kept vigil in the border villages and vulnerable locations in all the eight district which shares the border of Assam state.

The Home Minister further informed the citizens of Nagaland that the government is giving all efforts to protect and prevent any influx of illegal immigrants in Nagaland through Assam post exodus from Bangladesh and assured that the government and its machineries are well equipped and prepare to deal the situation.

Deputy Chief Minister, Y. Patton in reply to the matter stated that there was no policy in the transfer and posting of Home Department and also urged the members of the Assembly not to entertain the jawans in their transfer and posting. He also informed the house that Law and Order mechanism in the state have been active and crime situations are under control since there are regular arrest made in cases of extortions, kidnappings, violation of Arms Act from different districts by different fractions and also arrest made for violation of the NLTP Act and drug related cases across the state.

Deputy Chief Minister, Y. Patton also highlighted about the extension of ceasefire agreement with the Government of India and five fractions group out of the 26 fractions for a period of one years and informed that the Ceasefire are reviews every year to check the ground rules. He also said there were 15 designated camps belonging to different fraction groups in the state and listed out the names of the districts declared as Disturbed Areas.