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Task Force for Covid-19 Shamator Sub-division held a one day training cum briefing and induction of Covid-19 volunteers on 13th June 2020 who are to be engaged in any exigencies related to Covid-19 task. The objective of the meeting was to acclimatise the volunteers to the new environment and get them acquainted with all the procedures while carrying out the work.

Langonsen Tsanglao ADC, Chairman of the Task Force for Covid-19 Shamator spoke on the importance of following all safety norms related to Covid19. He also told that manpower is needed and urged the people to come forward voluntarily to overcome this pandemic.

The medical team sensitised the volunteers regarding frequent hand wash, social distancing and wearing of masks. They also reminded that PPE is mainly for health care workers who monitor the patients in close contact. The team also directed the volunteers to mobilize the public to follow the protocols given by the authority and to stop social stigmatization against the volunteers, healthcare workers and all others frontline workers, including the patients. Akumkhiung, Chairman 11 wards, also told that quarantine centres in Shamator is a community quarantine centres exclusively run through community contribution, and therefore urged everyone to lend a helping hands in all forms.

A total of 17 volunteers attended the meeting conducted on 12 June, 2020 at DBs court Shamator. T. Takotoshi Jamir, BDO Shamator and DBs were also present in the meeting.


(L. Shahoto IA Shamator)