The EAC Longmatra has informed that an Aadhaar Enrolment Camp for the residents of Longmatra and its surrounding villages has been scheduled from 6th to 8th March 2025. The camp will facilitate new Aadhaar enrolments, updates, and corrections for all eligible individuals.
The Aadhaar enrolment process is essential for availing various government schemes and services. All residents are strongly encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity. For effective coverage, the three-day Aadhaar Camp will be strategically located in the following villages, serving as cluster points: Sanphure Village on 6th March 2025, Longmatra Village on the 7th March 2025, and Azetso village on 8th March 2025
All the surrounding villages are requested to attend the camp at their designated cluster village as per their convenience and avail the facilities provided.
The concerned Village Councils and VDBs of the designated locations are requested to make necessary arrangements for accommodation and food for the Aadhaar enrolment team during their stay. For any queries or further clarification, kindly contact the office of the EAC, Longmatra.