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Director to Health & Family Welfare Department, Dr. Nungshimeren & Additional Director Dr. Vikato   visited Jalukie on 22nd June, 2020 to oversee the preparedness of Peren District COVID-19 Task Force.

The officials visiting team held a meeting at Customary Court, ADC office Jalukie with various Civil Organizations, Medical fraternity, Police Personnel and JAC, under the chairmanship of ADC Jalukie, Dr. Tinojongshi Chang.

Addressing the gathering Additional Director, Dr. Vikato acknowledged the consolidate effort and the tireless service rendered by  Peren District Task Force, Medical fraternity,  & other frontline workers for catering best service to Peren district. Maintaining discipline is the only options to prevent the spread of COVID-19, positive cases will increase if returnees failed to maintain self-discipline in their respective quarantine centres, he added. Thereafter, Dr. Vikato also suggested the District authority to inform the returnees to maintain social distancing to prevent the spread of coronavirus in quarantine centres.

Director Health & Family Welfare Department, GON, Dr. Nungshimeren also said that one must first think how to prevent from COVID-19. He said that testing COVID-19 Positive is a big challenge for society as whole. Every district should be strong enough to tackle such crisis and must try to cater best service to contain COVID in quarantine centres. He added that in the time of crisis all the Nagas should come forward and cooperate with the Medical Department. He also requested the Administration and Police Personnel to focus on quarantine Centres and monitor strictly the do's & dont's of returnees to avoid any unprecedented incidents in the centre. Director, Dr. Nungshimeren also spoke on the rational use of PPEs. Furthermore, he advised the MS, Dy. CMO and SMO to train the nurses and paramedic to help the Technician and Doctor in collecting the samples of returnees so as to reduce the workload since the hospital has shortage of man power.

Earlier, Dy. CMO, Dr. Supongmenla also gave a brief report on COVID-19 cases of Peren District. She said that around 380 Chennai returnees were received and out of 200 results 73 were tested positive .She also said that the department has targeted JNV to be COVID Care Centre since CHC Jalukie has a capacity of 20 beds only, out of which 10 beds for males and 10 beds for females.


(Eto Kauring, IA Peren)