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The Department of Soil & Water Conservation accorded a farewell to its outgoing Director, Viliehu Nguzhü in a program conducted in his honour at the Directorate’s Conference hall, Kohima. A.S. Joint Director, Hovuto Zhimomi on behalf of the Department acknowledged that Nguzhü was a man of integrity who was approachable by all ranks & files of the Department. And that, his humility and sincerity were appreciable virtues to be looked upon by all.

Lauding the outgoing Director, Minister, Soil & Water Conservation, Geology & Mining V.Kashiho Sangtam, said that Nguzhü was a man of positive attitude who has been a true leader and a good officer. He encouraged him to continue serving our society with the same zeal and enthusiasm. 

Joint Secretary to the Government of Nagaland, Tsobahü Rhakho, while appreciating Nguzhü said that Department has been enriched with his guidance and leadership during his Directorship.

The Incoming Director, K.Zhekheto Awomi praised Nguzhü that he has set an exemplary and a high benchmark for the Department. He said that Nguzhü had conducted himself in an impeccable manner and upheld the working ethics with much prudence. 

Quoting Isaac Newton,’’ If I have seen further, it is by standing upon the shoulders of the giants”, he encouraged the Department to work with cohesiveness and unity and to shake off any distrust, if any, within the Department.

In his last speech as the Director of Soil & Water Conservation, Viliehu Nguzhü expressed gratitude to God for the successful completion of his service life. He also thanked the Minister, Commissioner & Secretary and Departmental staff for rendering full support and cooperation during his years of active service. Further he exhorted that the Department can shine if only concerted effort is made by every individual selflessly.

The vote of thanks was proposed by L. Chubaonen, Joint Director.