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Under Poshan Abhiyaan, Department of Social Welfare and in convergence with various departments while observing the Poshan Maah, a programme on Innovative and Suggestive Actions on COVID-19 and Breast Feeding, Nutrition, Support for Maintenance/Development of Kitchen Garden held at Wokha on 15th September 2020 at Lotha Eloe Hoho conference hall, Wokha. The programme was focused on young mothers in collaboration with Lotha Eloe Hoho.

Dy. CMO, Wokha Dr. Zuben Kikon while speaking on the topic COVID-19 & Breast feeding, said considering the present scenario of the prevailing pandemic crisis enough awareness and sensitization is being disseminated to as to how we should take preventive steps to protect our self from this virus. He urged the gathering not to panic but to take necessary preventive steps to keep ourselves protected and protect others as well.

He also stated that we should not discriminate people with Covid-19 but to extend support to let them overcome the mental trauma they are going through. Kikon also called upon the gathering to take nutritious and balance diet food to boost our immune system to protect oneself from the Virus.

While speaking on breast feeding Dr.Kikon, said breast milk contains antibodies that helps the baby fight off viruses and bacteria and decreases the risk of respiratory tract infections, not only that but it also prevent the baby from diarrhea, asthma, food allergies and other diseases. He also appealed to them others to breast feed babies exclusively for 6 months adding that the mother also benefits in terms of lower risk of getting breast cancer and other diseases. He also advised the mothers to take protein rich and nutritious food and green leafy vegetables which are good source of proteins for the baby and the mother as well.

Encouraging the young mothers to have a nutrition garden, Area Coordinator, Livelihoods NSRLM, Apibeni Y Kikon highlighted on its benefits as a low-cost management which is sustainable as well as organic. Consuming these nutritious foods from the organic garden she said that it helps and acts as stress relief and keeps immunity booster. She also explained on cultivating organic and nutrition garden with integrated pest management without using chemical for a healthy and economy sustainability.

(Zubenthung, IA Wokha)