iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)



DC Mon Thavaseelan K IAS on 29th April 2021 issued a public notice requesting Two (2) persons from Mon District to report themselves immediately to the District Task Force, Mon. 

Details of Two (2) persons are as follows: 

i)          Name               - B Nyuam Konyak

Age                 - 23 years (female) 

Address           - Tizit, Mon

Returnee from Bangalore

ii)         Name               - Yabala Konyak 

Age                 -    20 years (female)

Address           - NST Colony, Mon

Returnee from Delhi

For any information regarding their whereabouts, kindly contact the following numbers: - 8974455400/9862078993

                                                                                                (Renbenthung, IA Mon)