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The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the narrative of classroom learning. Schools had to switch to remote learning to bridge the gap of loss of learning. However, technology aided education could help learning happen effectively even during the closure of schools. The Board has always been open to avenues which will make remote learning more meaningful for the teachers and the students in particular. 

In this regard, the Nagaland Board of School Education has informed that Clixa Technology Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi has developed a digital learning App BRIGHT TUTEE for the students under NBSE. The App offers e-learning on Mathematics, Science, Social Sciences, English and Alternative English for Class IX & X. It also offers e-learning on English, Alternative English, History, Political Science, Education and Sociology subjects for Class XI & XII. The App is offered FREE for Class IX to XII till 15th August, 2021. The E-contents are prepared in strict conformity with the syllabus and textbooks prescribed by NBSE.

The App provides a comprehensive digital learning content with chapter wise, topic-wise learning and assessment content besides examination preparation content. It can also be used by teachers for revision and remedial purpose.

            The free online digital learning app can be accessed either on Android mobile phone/tablet or Desktop/Laptop. To use the app:

Step-by-step procedure to get free online subscription through Mobile/Tablet (Android App) or Laptop/Desktop Computer (Web Browser):

Step 1:             Download Bright Tutee App from Google Play Store or visit www.brighttutee.com

Step 2:             Register yourself on the platform using your mobile number by following the on-screen instructions.

Step 3:             Select your Board (Nagaland Board), Class (IX to XII) and Medium (English).

Step 4:             In the Menu, GO to “Redeem Code” and click on “I Have Voucher Code” button to apply the following Voucher Code to activate your free subscriptions.

Voucher Code: BTGNBSE2021

The Head of Institutions have been requested to disseminate this information at the earliest to the students and teachers in the interests of the learning community. It may be noted that this learning App if accessed by the teachers will greatly help in the classroom teaching learning process. As such, students and teachers are requested to make maximum use of this digital learning app to enhance their learning. 

In case of any problems, students/teachers can contact: +919319552211 or support@brighttutee.com.
