iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

There appears to be a misinterpretation of the advisory issued vide No.DHFW/COVID- 19/2019-20/129-37 dated Kohima, the 10th April 2020 especially with reference to point no.1 "No hospital based personnel are to enter the office premises. Instead of Physical visits, they are advised to leverage electronic means of communications including webinar."

The Directorate of H&FW, in a release has stated that the advisory was issued so as to minimize the movement of personnel considering the lockdown and to ensure that personnel are in their places of posting where unless urgently required for them to be out. It was also noticed that a phone call to the State Control room officials would have been sufficient rather than wasting time on visiting. It is however, reiterated that for any work which require attendance on any office premises, there is no restriction.

The health workers are the frontline workers in the fight against any disease including the COVID-19 pandemic and any oversight from the Directorate of H&FW may kindly be condoned.