iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

The Task Force for Covid-19 held a review meeting in conference hall of ADC office Shamator under the chairmanship ofADC Shamator, Lankonsen Tsanglao. The ADC expressed gratitude to all its Task Force members/committees for successfully implementing its own assigned duties and also thanked local bodies let by Yimchungrü Tribal Council YTC, Public Forum Shamator, Chambers of Commerce Shamator for their support.

The meeting also took stock of present situations of daily needs and appealed to the public not to panic for shortages of essential commodities and urged all the public to stay at home which is the only way to save lives. The meeting also sounded alert to all village councils, authorities to implement proper government guide lines from using of funds, proper social distancing, free movements to maintain quarantine facilities. As of now Shamator sub-division has two quarantine centres, one each in Yakor and Chassir village which the council and V.Gs are taking care of along with village health committee.

(IA Shamator)