Advisor, School Education, K.T. Sukhalu, IAS inaugurated the Ghathashi Town Rostrum at Ghathashi Local Ground on 12th January, 2022.
Sukhalu congratulated the Ghathashi village people for the successful construction of Rostrum and also thanked MLA, Y. VikhehoSwu for his contribution. He requested each and every individual to be responsible in taking care of the Rostrum as it belongs to them.
He stressed on the need to improve infrastructure and literacy rate, and reduce drop outs in government schools, he expressed desire to help the government school in Ghathashi as and when the state government gets the required resources.
MLA, Y. VikhehoSwu appealed to the advisor to look into the Higher Secondary School upgradation in Ghathashi, as it is a priority for the students. He also apprised the villagers to continue the legacy of clean village recipient and best performing village council which they were awarded earlier.
He requested the villagers to continue being honest and truthful and deliver through their actions.
ADC Pughoboto, ThungchanbemoTungoe highlighted the shortage of teachers at Ghathashi Government High school and the need of Head Master. He also pointed out the need for drinking water facility and toilet for government schools and requested the Advisor to look into the matter and address the problem being faced by the students. He expressed gratitude to MLA Y. VikhehoSwu for taking personal initiatives for the overall development of Pughoboto sub-division.
The program was chaired by Vice Chairman, Adhoc Town Council, HekutoYepthomi. Welcome address was presented by G.B, K.YeshitoSwu. Vote of thanks was delivered by VDB Secretary, TokhehoAchumi. The inaugural program was attended by members of Ghathashi Town Council, Ward Chairman G.Bs, Dobashis, church workers among others.