iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

In the interest of the general public and as a precautionary measure to encourage social distancing due to COVID-19 pandemic crisis, the Deputy Commissioner has issued the following directives and guidelines for strict compliance of all concerned;

  1. In partial modification of this office order NO. DCK/CON/COVID-19/2020 Dtd. 04th April 2020 all Grocery shops/ bakeries/ vegetable shops/ pharmacies/shops & wholesale shops selling baby foods/ shops seeing essential commodities are re-directed to open to the general public from 07:00 to 02:00 pm wef Monday i.e. 20th April and will be operational only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays during the lockdown period as notified earlier. Further the general public are directed to visit only the nearest shops/stores within their respective wards/colonies to ensure social distancing and public safety.
  2. It is re-iterated that only one member of each family shall be permitted to come out of their homes only on production of Sanitation Card or authorization issued from the respective wards/colonies for procurement and distribution of essential commodities, availing essential services, medical facilities. Further, all the general public are to ensure social distancing while shopping for essential commodities, apart from that the shopkeepers will ensure that proper markings are drawn outside their respective shops/stores in such a manner that the buyers are distanced by at least l(one) metre from each other, only after which She essential commodities will be sold to the buyers.
  3. The movement of all vehicles shall be totally restricted except those vehicles which have the explicit permission of this office.
  4. Parking of vehicles for public in the following locations within Kohima town are hereby restricted with immediate effect;

(a) Stretch from PHQ Junction till Bethel Hospital.

(b) P.R. Hill Junction.

(c) Razhu Point Junction

(d) Census Office Junction

(e) High School Junction.

  1. Henceforth, all the outlets selling firewood will remain open to cater to the need of the general public for fuel purposes from 07:00 am - 02:00 pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

The above guidelines and directives come into immediate effect till further orders.


(DPRO Kohima)