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A Sub- Committee for Chozuba Sub- Division was constituted for Mega Tree Plantation drive according to the notification issued by ADC, Chozuba, Imokokla on 1st April 2022.

The Mega Tree Plantation drive scheduled on 5th June 2022 World Environment Day members are as follows: Convenor, Er. Omegali, EAC; Member Secretary, Kezhawetuo Linyü Dy Ranger, Forest; Members, Thepusa Nakro, SDAO; Cholzo Sophie, GM, DIC; Vekhoto Tetseo, CDPO; Vesuzo Swuro, Vice Principal, GHSS; Meyawabang, SDEO; Lines Rhi and Chitsoru Vasa, BDO.

(Kiso, IA Chozuba)