The Directorate of Health & Family Welfare held a programme in commemoration of Word No Tobacco Day 2022 with the theme ‘‘Tobacco: Threat to Our Environment’’ on 31st of May 2022 at 1:00 PM at the Directorate IDSP Hall, Kohima.
The programme was chaired by Dr. Meribeni Odyuo Jt. Dir (Dental) & SPO, NOHP, and Dr. K. Vikato Kinimi, Principal Director DH&FW as the chief guest.
Dr. Chiekroshuyi Tetseo, Addl. Dir (Dental) & SNO, NTCP delivered the theme talk. He highlighted the ongoing activities such as organizing competitions, awareness campaigns, cleanliness drives, etc in all the districts as well as State level. With 43% among 13-15 years of age, Nagaland stands the highest in tobacco consumption in the country, he stated. Further, he also informed that to monitor schools/institutions for a tobacco-free zone, a special app has been launched under the name ‘’Tobacco-Free Nagaland App’’.
Dr. Thorhusie Katiry, Mission Director NHM released the ‘‘Handbook for Health workers’’ at the programme.
The Principal Director lauded the National Tobacco Control Programme for their sincere work & effort and exhorted in his speech to continue working together with respect and support.
The programme concluded with a vote of thanks delivered by Dr. Meribeni Odyuo Jt. Dir (Dental) & SPO, NOHP.