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A real life simulation of the prepared action plan on dealing with positive Covid-19 case was carried out in Kohima by District Administration on Covid-19 in collaboration with DDMA and the Medical Department on 30th April 2020. The mock drill was held to check and test the preparedness of the different government agencies that has been set in place to tackle every aspect related to a Covid-19 outbreak in the District.

The simulation involved a number of important Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) activities such as Patient Management and Treatment, contact tracing and quarantine of known contacts, containment and sealing off of Covid-19 positive areas and dead body management of deceased Covid-19 positive patients.

The mock drill was followed by a debriefing session in the office chamber of the Deputy Commissioner and Chairman DDMA Gregory Thejawelie NCS who is also the RO (Responsible Officer). Incident Commander under the Incident Response System ADC KohimaLithronglaTongpiRutsa gave a detailed report of the entire Covid-19 mock drill exercise followed by brief reports from all three Section Chiefs namely Operation Section Chief , Planning Section Chief and Logistics Section Chief. A number of procedural lapses were highlighted by the three section chiefs from their on-field experiences which was duly noted by the team for future reference and to ensure that if any Covid-19 related situation arises it is tackled effectively.

The Deputy Commissioner and Chairman DDMA Gregory Thejawelie NCS concluded the debriefing session by thanking all the officers and individuals who contributed towards the success of the mock drill.

(MorotsungLongchar, IA Kohima)