iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

Sr. Treasury Officer, Mokokchung has informed all the pensioners who are drawing Pension Payment from the Sr. Treasury Office, Mokokchung that Life Certificate Form will be issued from 1st August 2022.  The forms can be obtained from the Treasury Office on all working days. Form should be supported by Identity Card ‘D’ duly renewed from the Pensioner Association Office, Mokokchung and Pension Payment Order Book (PPO) during submission. No Pension Payment shall be made for those who fail to submit the required documents on the given date.

Submission and verification of Life Certificate for Pensioners will be conducted as follows: 12th September 2022 (Tsusapang Sector, Sungkomen Ward, Tongdentsuyong Ward, Alempang Ward, Alongmen Ward, Dilong Ward, Yimyu Ward, Kapayong Sector); 13th September 2022 (Majakong Ward, Aertang Ward, Marepkong Ward, Lichaba lijen Ward, Mongsenbai Ward, Kumlong Ward); 14th September 2022 (Salangtem Ward, Kichutip Ward, Sangtemla Ward, Arkong Ward, Penli Ward, Aongza Ward); 15th September 2022 (Ongpangkong Range); 16th September 2022 (Asetkong and Langpangkong Range) and 17th September 2022 (Jangpetkong, Tsurangkong and Japukong Range).


(Lanukaba, IA Mokokchung)