A one-day legal awareness seminar programme on Domestic Violence was organised by the Nagaland State Commission for Women (NSCW) supported by National Commission for Women (NCW) and in coordination with Changsao Thangjam Setshang (CTS) at Tuensang Town on 30th September 2021.
Member NSCW, W. Nginyeih Konyak in her introductory note, stated that domestic violence is the most among unreported cases due to stigma, fear of losing children etc and is forwarded to the police only when the violence get worst or result in serious injury or death, the case, who takes time for investigation and prosecuting.
Nagaland State Commission for Women sponsored by National Commission for Women, Delhi organized this seminar to bring legal awareness to know their legal rights of protection and safety from crimes. Also to bridge gap involving all stakeholders, including legal experts, police and academics, Tribal hohos, Civil societies, and people at grassroots.
The resource person in the first session DWO Office, Khengo, highlighted on the Social Welfare Department’s implementing and monitoring of welfare schemes under National Social Assistance programmes. In the second session Panel Lawyer, TDLSA, P. Herola, spoke on ‘Protection of women from domestic violence’, its prevention, prohibition and maintenance under the Act. Officer-in-Charge, Women Police Station, Tuensang, Chilliam, spoke on the ‘Role of Police in dealing with Domestic Violence’ and highlighted its important laws for protection of women under IPC in the third session. The programme was chaired by Member NSCW, Chongliu.
The NSCW team also visited Tuensang District Hospital, Women Police Station, Sakhi –One Stop Centre and District Jail, as part of its annual activities to interact and assess the livability, safety and protection of women inmates.