The Nagaland State Legal Services Authority (NSLSA) under the aegis of the National Legal Services Authority (NALSA) will be conducting the 3rd Quarterly National LokAdalat (People’s Courts) sitting in all the district headquarters on September 11. This is the 3rd Quarterly National LokAdalat to be held in 2021-2022.
A total of 11 LokAdalat Benches at District Court premises will be set up by the District Legal Services Authority (DLSAs).
In this regard, NSLSA Executive Chairman and Judge, Gauhati High Court, Kohima Bench, Justice SongkhupchungSerto along with Member Secretary, N. LongshithungEzung, NJS recently held meeting with DLSA Chairpersons & Secretaries and directed the DLSAs to take steps in advance and hold meeting with bankers, insurance companies among others to formulate strategy before the LokAdalat. Further, DLSAs were instructed to take up MACT cases, criminal compoundable cases, Negotiable Instruments Act cases, matrimonial cases on priority for the said LokAdalat.
LokAdalat is one of the alternative dispute redressal mechanisms, and a forum where cases pending in the court of law or at pre-litigation stage are settled or compromised speedily and amicably. NLA is held on a quarterly basis and has benefited the citizens with the privilege of settling disputes at free of cost all across the State.
Persons having dispute/cases (pre-litigation and pending) on civil, matrimonial, MACT and petty offence cases to come forward, on the day or submit their disputes before the date at DLSA front offices, District Court building and NSLSA member Secretary Office, DC Office Compound or contact 0370-2290153 or email us at
The disposal Data of each DLSAs will be further uploaded on the web portal of the State Authority at
During the 2nd Quarterly National LokAdalat held on 10th July2021, 24 matters out of 38 listed disputes/matters/cases in eight district headquarters with a total settlement amount of Rs. 36,35,776 /- (Rupees thirty six lakh thirty five thousand seven hundred seventy six) only.