The Brahma Kumaris organisation will be organising a Peace Angel rally with the theme "Universal Peace and Harmony' from Sokhriezie Park, BOC to Ura Academy hall Kohima village on 15 December 2021 at 10:30 a.m. which will be flagged off by Minister, Higher Education and Tribal Affairs, Temjen Imna Along.
Subsequently, a culminating ceremony will be held at Ura Academy hall at 01:00 pm where Chairman, Kohima village, Heilievio Solo and PCCF, Forest Department will be the main guest. Various oganisations will take part in this Peace Angel Rally and the participants will be honoured with a Memento at the culminating point. Any interested person or peace lover can attend the program and contact the following phone no. for any further queries 9436604881, 8259819772.
(Siizo Kikhi IA Kohima)