The Monthly meeting of the Phek District Planning & Development Board was held on 11th April 2022 at its conference hall. The meeting was chaired by ADC Phuleshe K. Yepthomi.
The house welcomed the new members: L. Sunep Pogener, District Agricultural Officer, and K. Lipongse, Phek District Employment Officer. The programme for the forthcoming Inter-departmental tournament was deliberated where the need for the enthusiastic participation of all the departments in every aspect is required.
Regarding Mega Tree Plantation was decided to be held on 20th April for which all Heads of Offices were requested to give the fullest co-operation in this matter.
The PowerPoint presentations were given by the Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science Department and also by the Transport Department.
The Urban Development Department and Fire & Emergency Services Department were entrusted to give presentations at the next meeting.
(Kedutsho, IA Phek)