Press Information Bureau Kohima on 17th September 2020 held a webinar on Gandhi & Self Reliant India (Aatma Nirbhar Bharat) Relevance Now.
Speaker at the webinar, Director-in-charge Centre of Gandhian Studies Nagaland University, Dr. Temjensosang Imsong stated that out of the 1.3 billion population of India, 70% of it is rural based residing in 7 lakh villages across the country. Gandhi said,” India is a land of villages”, he said and stressed on the importance of Village Swaraj for a true Self-reliant India, Village Swaraj where the people and villages are free from social, economic and political bondages. He stated that one of the main concerns of Gandhi was the fulfilment of the basic requirements of life like food, clothing and shelter ideas which were in link with Karl Marx. Imsong raised a question as to why the country was still stressing on the idea of self reliance even after 73 years of Independence drawing answers from Gandhian idea of self reliance which were opposed to industrialisation, capitalism and a mass production society where the benefits and privileges are enjoyed by only a few. He stated that for the country to be truly self reliant, Gandhian philosophy of self reliance should be adhered to giving more importance to village based industries reversing the economy of the nation based on village industry to meet the requirements of the village rather than the global economy. He added that it was imperative to develop all regions of the country equitably for a self reliant India, an idea which is also drawn from Gandhi. Imsong concluded by stating that the village authorities should play a vital role in the making of a self reliant village economy.
Addressing the webinar, Director PIB Imphal, Abhishek Dayal stated that Gandhi’s character was such that one could not encompass all his thoughts in a single lifetime. He stated that the Government’s Aatma Nirbhar Bharat programme was nothing but the revival of Gandhian philosophy of self reliance for the upliftment of the poor. “The country will progress only if all the people are uplifted”, Dayal stated.
The webinar was chaired by Asst. Director PIB Kohima, K Sonikumar Singh and vote of thanks was delivered by Asst. Director PIB (M&C) Pusebozo Sophie.
(Renbenthung, IA)