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An inter denomination prayer programme attended by various churches in Zunheboto, named "Zunheboto Prays for the World" by the organizer, Zunheboto Town Sumi Baptist Church (SBAK Aizuto) under the banner of Pastor's Union Zunheboto, was held on 22nd may at cultural hall Zunheboto, strictly following the government protocol guidelines of social distancing and other necessary precautions. 

Deputy Commissioner, Peter Lichamo thanked the church leaders and organizers and also briefed about the global pandemic and common precautionary measures to be under taken for our safety. He appealed to the church leaders to cooperate with the government provided guidelines and to spread awareness about the pandemic through all possible means. 

In a tri-segmented sets of prayers as Global, India and Nagaland, led by Associate Pastor SBCZ Inoto Yeptho, Pastor Lotha Baptist church, Lawrence and Pastor Tenyimi Church Vechulo Doulo respectively, the gathering prayed for World Health Organization(WHO), thanksgiving for the non-effected countries and states across the world and all spearheading world leaders and frontline workers. The gathering also remembered the Naga students, workers and families stranded outside the state. 

Invocation prayer was tendered by pastor Nepali church, Dawa Lama, keynote address was delivered by chairman PUZ, Rev Ahoshe Yeptho, word of God by pastor SDA church, Sunep Jurry. 

(Sharon Sukhalu, IA Zunheboto)