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Principal Director, Department of Health and Family Welfare, Dr. Vizolie Suokhrie visited Zunheboto District Hospital on 3rd, April, 2020 to take into account the arrangements made by the District in case of a possible outbreak of Novel Coronavirus.

A brief presentation on the Zunheboto District preparedness status report on COVID-19 was presented by Deputy CMO, Dr Akaho Sema. In his presentation, Dr. Akaho gave a comprehensive report on the following points:

1.     Action taken report

2.     Ongoing Activities

3.     Status report till date

4.     Control room status till date

5.     Stock position

6.     Immediate Requirements

            A few of the steps undertaken as stated in the Action taken report, included, distribution of posters and pamphlets in both English and Sumi, to all towns and villages in the district; Additional charge to five medical officers where there is no MO in place; 12 designated quarantine homes have been identified with a total strength of 27 beds; Control room 24/7 in the district and block level has been set-up; Mock drill exercise has been carried out for transportation of COVID-19 positive cases, sample management and lab services.

            Dr. Vizolie Suokhrie congratulated DTF Zunheboto (COVID-19) headed by the Deputy Commissioner and everyone involved expressing happiness that Zunheboto district has a clear concept and strategy to overcome the epidemic. He emphasized on working together as being the key necessity of the hour and advised all medical staff to follow the Universal Health Precautions like hand washing. He asked all hospital staff and other workers to please take all necessary precautions and emphasized on the need for grade 4 staff to also be cautious and well advised on the precautions to take. He continued by directing that only Zunheboto District Hospital should be designated for sample collection.

Among the immediate requirements list, ventilators were also requested for, which he assured he would provide to the district. 

(Sharon, IA Zunheboto)