In pursuance to Government Order No.NSDMA-ER-COVID19/301/2020 (Part-II) Dated, 8th January 2022, the Principal Director School Education, Shanavas C, IAS has informed that the following directives & advisories have being issued for information and strict compliance by all concerned.
1. The safety of COVID Vaccine on Children of age 15 and above has been certified by the competent authority and COVID vaccination drive for children in the age group 15 – 18 has already commenced in many States. All parents are advised to get their children in the age group 15 – 18 voluntarily vaccinated for COVID-19 at the nearest Government COVID-19 Vaccination Centres free of cost as per the schedule notified by the Department of Health & Family Welfare.
2. Admission for students of Classes I and above shall be done as per the schedule notified vide this office Notification No.ED/AEI-8/2019 Dated, 15th December 2021.
3. Conduct of normal classes (Offline mode) for students studying up to Class VIII stand suspended/closed till 31 January 2022.
4. Schools may resume conduct of Online Classes for students of Classes I to VIII/IX.
5. Conduct of normal classes (Offline mode) for students of Classes IX to XII is permitted subjected to the following condition;
Any student of Class IX and above whose age is 15 and above shall be allowed to attend normal/offline classes only if he/she has taken at least one dose of vaccine against COVID-19.
6. Heads of all High & Higher Secondary Schools under State Board ( Both Govt. & Private) should submit the number of students enrolled in their schools in the Age Group of 15 – 18 at the Activity Tab provided at the School Monitoring Portal on or before 14/01/2022 without fail.
7. Heads of all Schools under CBSE & ICSE Boards (Both Govt. & Private) should submit the number of students enrolled in their schools in the Age Group of 15 – 18 through email to on or before 14/01/2022 without fail.
Notification regarding organizing of Special Vaccination Drive for students in the age group 15 -18 will be issued after ascertaining the number of students enrolled in the Age Group of 15 – 18.