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A training programme for the Red Cross volunteers was held recently at Red Cross Conference Hall, Kohima where a total of twenty five (25) volunteers attended the training.

Deputy Commissioner, Kohima, Gregory Thejawelie NCS gave a short word of encouragement to the participants and also urged them to give unrelenting support as and when need arises during this COVID-19 pandemic.

In the training, Dr. Hoito Chishi spoke on 'Introduction on COVID-19', Supongmenla Jamir, Consultant NUHM spoke on 'District COVID-19 strategy', Avikali Jakhalu, DPM Kohima gave a presentation on 'District Microplan on COVID-19' and Dr. Toshimongla QA(DPM) presented on 'Doffing & Donning of PPE'.

(DPRO, Kohima)