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Motor Vehicle department, Government of Nagaland, has notified the scheme for ‘Financial assistance for administering road safety advocacy and award for outstanding work done in the field of road safety.'

            The objective of the scheme is to stimulate and encourage opportunities for various agencies and academic institutions accredited/affiliated to or recognized as a University or Deemed universities by UGC, through participation, to create awareness of road safety with a focus on a result-oriented outcome and reduction in road fatalities through behavioral changes.

The scheme further aims to ensure active participation of all stakeholders viz State Government, Corporate houses, auto industry, and their associations, universities, institutions, Non- Governmental Organizations, and the society at large to improve the road safety scenario.

The primary objective was to provide financial assistance to various agencies engaged in the activities to propagate road safety messages among citizens and recognize those making positive contributions in the field of road safety with some awards.

The office of Transport Commissioner Kohima further informed that the scheme guidelines will be available on the Ministry’s website and scheme portal.


                                                                                               (Esuihangle, IA)