Sub-Divisional Officer (C) Thonoknyu, Noklak, Longdiba L Sangtam, has issued the following guidelines:
- Movement of persons from the villages to Thonoknyu Town shall be strictly regulated and monitored by the respective village Council's.
- Person with genuine work/medical emergency shall be permitted to visit Thonoknyu Town only after getting necessary permit/permission from the respective village Hd GB.
- Movement of Vehicles to town is restricted except for essential services and medical emergencies with permission from respective village Hd.GB.
- Shops shall open from 6:00AM to 8:00 AM during the Lockdown period.
The order will come into force w.e.f 6:00PM of 14th May to 21st May 2021.
(IA Thonoknyu)