iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)



Sub-Divisional Officer (C) Thonoknyu, Noklak, Longdiba L Sangtam, has issued the following guidelines:

  1. Movement of persons from the villages to Thonoknyu Town shall be strictly regulated and monitored by the respective village Council's.
  2. Person with genuine work/medical emergency shall be permitted to visit Thonoknyu Town only after getting necessary permit/permission from the respective village Hd GB.
  3. Movement of Vehicles to town is restricted except for essential services and medical emergencies with permission from respective village Hd.GB.
  4. Shops shall open from 6:00AM to 8:00 AM during the Lockdown period.

The order will come into force w.e.f 6:00PM of 14th May to 21st May 2021.


                                                                                                            (IA Thonoknyu)