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A team headed by Agriculture Production Commissioner Y. Kikheto Sema, visited the integrated Nzu valley irrigation project under Tsemeinyu sub- division on 15thJuly 2020 for inspection of NEC funded projects and called for accountability and transparency.

Speaking at the inspection side Kikheto Sema expressed concern caused due to COVID-19 pandemic and maintained that it is time for Nagas to learn the need to have self-sufficiency in food production. He called on the Naga youths particularly to venture into new areas exploring the rich favourable climatic condition adding that the Government is focusing on how to generated employment to support the livelihood of the people.

He emphasised on the need to integrate various Department like Horticulture, Animal husbandry, Agriculture, Soil &Water Conservation, Fishery, Irrigation and Water Resources Department to work together in tandem by sharing the technical inputs for enhancing food production which is a growing concern worldwide and added that efficient management and utilization of these resources are very important to increase the productivity of food production per unit area. Agriculture Production Commissioner maintained that one of the principal reasons for the low productivity in horticulture/agriculture is the progressive deterioration of soil due to erosion. The factors for soil erosion are due to excessive deforestation, overgrazing and consequently, valuable top soil is lost and its fertility gets depleted resulting in poor horticulture/agriculture yield. Y. Kikheto Sema, expressed his appreciation to the contractor Benjamin I Lorin for carrying out the work even during the monsoon season in spite of the road conditions and urged him to complete the remaining work at the earliest possible time for the benefit of the people.

Chief Engineer Water Resources, Er. H. Hotovi Ayemi stated that water is becoming scarce due to climatic changes globally and unpredictable drought conditions, so the Department is implementing all reliable water sources infrastructures in the state for assured irrigations. He said that the Department is also imparting the requisite training for economic usage of water and also asked to inform the department to identify potential areas which can benefit the people of the state. The inspection team was accompanied by Assistant Development Commissioner Neinguisle Zhasa, SE Chubasashi Chang, SDO Er. Phutheguo Khawkhrie JE Er. Nungsangmar and officials from the Directorate of Information & Public Relation.


(Temjenkaba, IA)