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Rural Sanitation: Swachh Bharat Mission (Grameen) was launched by the Prime Minister of India on 2nd October 2014 with a universal aim to make India Open Defecation Free (ODF). Nagaland achieved ODF Status for rural areas in the year 2018 and now, the PHE Department has initiated Swachh Bharat Mission (Grameen) Phase –II (ODF Plus) from the FY 2020-21 and will continue till FY 2024-25.

ODF Plus activities under Phase II of the Swachh Bharat Mission (Grameen) have reinforced ODF behaviors and focus on providing interventions for the safe management of solid and liquid waste in villages, wherein, more emphasis will be made on access to a safe toilet, sanitary complexes, solid waste disposal systems, and grey water management in the rural areas in addition to retrofitting of rural toilets and sanitary complexes to achieve ODF Plus status in rural villages. Currently, there are 581 ODF Plus Aspiring, 621 ODF Plus Rising, and 230 ODF Plus Model Villages fulfilling the criteria for ODF plus rating.

During the current FY 2022-23 the State has identified 6 (Six) Districts and targeted to fulfill those Districts with ODF Plus components.

In addition, to strengthen the community and nudge the community into adopting safe and sustainable sanitation activities various IEC & Capacity building activities have been planned ie. PRA, production of IEC materials and wall paintings of IEC messages, cleanliness drive in villages to improve visual cleanliness and strengthen community participation, capacity building, and training on the role of WATSAN and Gram Panchayat in implementing grey water Management and community participation at the village level, Training for Swachhagrahi’s and WATSAN Committee members, Learning exchange/exposure visits to ODF Plus villages to see best practice, Rewards, and Recognition to swachhata Champions,  etc With SBM(G) phase – II implementation in progress, swachhagrahis in every village have been playing a role in creating awareness, also ensuring the village is benefitted with SBM(G) phase II components and moving towards the goal of achieving ODF Plus village to sustain ODF and safe sanitation practices.