iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

Nagas are known for "Jack of all trades" but when it comes to consistency and perseverance in any endeavour; hardly few Naga individuals persist till the end and reach the pinnacle of success in the chosen profession. Despite of odds and challenges, we need to be more consistent and perseverance in any profession we have opted for in order to become successful. And we shouldn't be swayed away by setbacks if we are truly determined to excel in any profession. 

The 24th edition of the Hornbill festival was celebrated with pomp and gaiety by introducing many new innovative ideas which added more value and made the festival more eventful than before. However, one sad reality about the festival is the aftermath, as the festival venue has become almost deserted and the morungs are left untouched till the next edition. During the festival, hundreds of stalls have been set up at the venue where visitors get variety of their choices in abundance. However, during the off seasons of the year at the venue, the visitors will not get even a bottle of water to quench his thirst due to lack of stalls. However, there is one such stall at the venue "Theheba" which caters variety of food, drinks and other local delicacies to the visitors at Kisama round the year for the last two decades. 

The Stall is manned by local entrepreneur, Pusi Yakhro from Kigwema village, permanently stationed at Kisama. The food, drinks and other items at the Stall have been offering to the visitors at reasonable rates irrespective of off or on seasons. The Stall is also located at an ideal place, offering good environment and view for the visitors to come and relax. The tables and chairs used in the Stall are made of alder and bamboos which perfectly manifests the true "Naturally Nagaland". 

Theheba in Angami means a place to have food and drinks together in group. It was named by Lt. Dominic Yazokie, former Addl. Director, IPR. The Stall is a must visit stall for the visitors during their visit to Naga Heritage Village, Kisama.


                                                                                    (Nongozo, Asst. Director)