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Three persons namely, TsenlamoOdyuo, ChonbenthungShitiri and RH.Khalempam were convicted of the offence Under Section 384/34 IPC and were sentenced to simple imprisonment for a period of 1 (One) year. The above Judgement was passed by Judicial Magistrate First Class, WokhaKhrievonoSeletsu.

The 3 accused on 27/03/2021 stopped three truck drivers and demanded an amount of Rs. 50,000/- (Fifty Thousand) and when they refused to pay, the accused seized their vehicle keys and mobile phones and only on payment of Rs. 5,700/- by the truck drivers, they were allowed to proceed to their destination.

Seletsu stated that taking note of the rampant extortion over a long period of time in our State, which has created a sense of fear and panic among the people particularly the business community and commercial drivers, and having a lenient approach towards the offense of extortion will only encourage the offenders to commit such offence in future, and the 3 accused were imprisoned for a period of one year.

The prosecution was led by Assistant Public Prosecutor Wokha, AkatoliAchumi.


(DPRO & IA, Wokha)