iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

Deputy Commissioner Mon, Thavaseelan K IAS informed that on the 23rd of April 2020, COVID-19 Volunteers for Mon District were trained in the DC's Conference Hall. The training was conducted in 2 (two) batches. The first batch comprised of Red Cross, Youth Club and Nehru Yuka Kendra (NYK) Volunteers and the second batch comprised of Grade-IV Government Servants requisitioned for COVID-19 duty.

The volunteers were trained on the role they would be playing in the wake of a COVID-19 outbreak in the District with regards to delivery of essential commodities. Further, they were briefed on Contact Listing and Tracing, the various Task and Committees set up in the District as well as the crucial role played by the District and Sub-Divisional War Rooms. 88 Volunteers attended the training.

(DPRO, Mon)