Initiated by the Department of School Education, a one-day Sensitization Programme for School teachers was held at Tening on “Pre-Matric Scholarship Scheme” at Education Block Resource Centre (EBRC) Tening on 23rd April, 2020.
A team led by Deputy Director and State Nodal Officer for Scholarship Scheme, Limadangit Jamir along with technical support staff from DEO Peren and SDEO Tening as resource persons launched the workshop.
Deputy Director & SNO, Limadangit Jamir delivered the welcome speech and the keynote address. Jangsem Tzudir from the Department of School Education outlined the modalities under the prematric scholarship scheme and NSP 2.0 guidelines and eligibility criteria for applying and availing the scholarship under both Minority and Tribal Scheme. Zürheto Nyuthe, Special Educator, DoSE gave a short PPT on the “step-by-step” process for applying pre-matric scholarship scheme through the NSP 2.0 portal and web based “” for the understanding of the trainees and designated Institutional Nodal Officers present.
Tumben P Tsanglao, EAC Tening in his vote of thanks expressed gratitude to the Department of School Education for the proactive and prompt initiative to facilitate and enable the students to avail financial support for their education, especially for the economically weaker sections which majority of the students from rural areas belong to. He further exhorted the teachers designated as Institutional Nodal Officers to be effective agents in their role not only as government employees but as ‘public servants’ while facilitating students to avail government financial aid.
Large numbers of Teachers from both government and private schools turned up for the programs representing each village in the sub-division reflecting their sincerity and commitment towards the students.
(Eto Kauring, IA Tening)