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An updated version of Meteorological data of Nagaland 2019-2020, published by the Soil Survey & Land Use Planning Wing was released by Director, Soil & Water Conservation Department, K. Zhekheto Awomi, during a short programme conducted at his chamber.

Deputy Director & schematic officer of the wing Rongsenlemzung spoke in the programme. Documentation of meteorological data is necessitated by growing importance of applied Meteorology in agriculture which is being witnessed in the wake of global climate change. The Department currently has 17 Meteorological stations spread all over Nagaland, the first being installed in 1981, which records weather parameters on a daily basis. Besides supplying the data to a host of offices every day, it is also availed regularly by many users such as researchers from all over India- Scientists, Engineers, Land and Water User Departments etc. for various project formulations, construction activities, preparation of action plans, assessing of loss/damage due to natural disaster / calamities etc.
