iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

The Department of Women Resource Development stated that the Hornbill Fest-cum-MykiFest, 2021 which was earlier scheduled from 2nd to 10th December at the Hortiscape, Kisama had to be postponed due to the Oting incident that occurred in Mon District when the Hornbill Festival was already well underway.

As such, the competitions on Prepared Speeches and Painting (Canvas) have been rescheduled for 8th March, 2022 at Sakhrie Park, Upper AG Colony (Tsiepfii Tsiepfe Upper Sector), Kohima from 10:00 AM to 1:30 PM, followed by lunch.

The theme for both the competitions will be Women Empowerment vis-a-vis Government Policies, Customary Laws, Entrepreneur ship and Self-Employment so that public opinion on the status of women and their roles can be made known. As such, it would be greatly appreciated if personnel from your esteemed Department can cover the event also.

Further, the MykiFest Award Programme will also take place on the same day and in the same venue at 3:00 PM.
