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At Longleng, the  District Administration (BBBP), Mahila Shakti Kendra (MSK) & Sakhi One-Stop Centre (OSC) in collaboration with Ray Beacons Club, Longleng Town Students' Union (LTSU) and Yongnyah Student's union observed World Environment Day under the theme, "Reimagine, Recreate, Restore" on 5th June 2021.

Cleanliness drive, collection of garbage alongwith plantation of tree saplings in the entire town of Longleng beginning from Lempong junction to Hukphang junction were taken up during the day. The purpose of the activities were to encourage awareness and action for protection of environment and to prevent the loss of biodiversity.

Plantation of tree saplings under the mission, "Tree for Daughters" was also carried out in the District.  Under the mission, a tree will be planted every month to celebrate the birth of a girl child.  It is an initiation of Mahila Shakti Kendra, Longleng under the "Beti Bachao Beti Padhao” program.

(DPRO Longleng)