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Along with rest of the nation, Zunheboto district celebrated the 70th All India Cooperative Week at Natha New Village on the 15th November 2023.      

          The theme of the celebration was “Role of Cooperatives in making India a $ 5 trillion Economy and SDGs”. The celebration was attended by various officials representing the Agri & Allied departments, District Cooperative Union, prominent citizens and members of the various cooperative societies.

The celebration began with the hoisting of the Cooperative flag by the Guest of Honour Mopling H Phom, Extra Assistant Commissioner (EAC) Sadar. The program was chaired by Kote Mero Sub-Registrar of Cooperative Societies and welcome address was delivered by Niwoto L Sumi Inspector of Cooperative Societies.

Mopling M Phom in his speech stated that the need of the hour is a strong cooperative movement for unity and integration of a large country like India. Further, he emphasized on revitalization of those exceptional societies with potentials and resources and also stressed on identifying the projects as suitable to the areas and urged the people to do away with one man Society.

Vote of thanks was pronounced by Inspector of Cooperative Societies, Zunheboto, Phuleka K Awomi.

(DPRO & Atobo H Yeptho IA Zunheboto)