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The Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) Peren held a governing board meeting on 25th February 2025 at Deputy Commissioner’s Office, Peren. The meeting discussed at making extension system farmers by disseminating technology on a participatory mode.

In the board meeting with NGOs and the farmers, Tonikali Achumi, Deputy Project Director, Peren district presented the activities of Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) Peren through PowerPoint presentation. Peren district ATMA Award was presented to Hatkholam Changsan New Chalkot in the sector of pineapple and Padingamang Beisumpuikam in the sector of papaya during 2024.

Deputy Commissioner, Peren Hiazu Meru encouraged the NGOs and farmers to cultivate seasonal crops and bear an exceptional performance through ATMA. The DC also apprised about the importance of accounting process in the marketing sector and encouraged them to upgrade their marketing strategies by resorting to online marketing, home delivery system etc.


(DPRO Peren)