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The Englan Yingsung Women Livelihood Thrift and Credit Co-operative society Ltd in convergence with Wokha District administration, SANKALP: Hub for Empowerment of Women & Department of Social Welfare under the Beti Bachao Beti Padhao banner and Department of School Education, Wokha officially launched an Adult Education Campaign on 7th September 2024 commemorating International Literacy Day at Yikhum Community hall at Wokha.

Key note and welcome address was given by the President, EYWLT & CCS Ltd who stressed on the need of adult education for the member of various Self-help Groups as most of them are illiterate. She hoped that through this venture, the women folks of the villages will at least be able to write their names and signature with ease.
            A brief note on Mission Shakti was delivered by Dr. Wonchano E Enny, DMC, SANKALP: DHEW. In addition, short speeches were delivered by representatives from Education department, Sakhi one stop centre and BPM, BMMU Wokha Block. Vote of thanks was given by the chairman of Yikhum village council where he extended his special thanks to the Deputy Commissioner Wokha, Vineet Kumar, IAS for sponsoring the stationaries under BBBP. He also thanked the Education Department for providing the study materials as well as the teachers who will be teaching the villagers. The chairman expressed that this campaign will solve different issues such as filling up correct information for various schemes, putting a single signature for different bank accounts by an individual, texting and use of smart phones. In addition, he hopes that through this adult literacy campaign, all the villages will be able to read the Bible and sing the hymnals proudly in church.

The program was chaired by Y Tumchobeni Kithan, MBK cum VF Longjung VLO Englan. It may be mentioned that the Adult Education is set to be conducted twice a week in the evening at three different places under Englan range and it will be taught by specific government teachers assigned by education department.

(DPRO & IA, Wokha)