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Additional Deputy Commissioner Aboi, Ajit Kumar Ranjan, IAS has notified that in order to combat the spread of Covid-19, it is important to maintain practices of social distancing in the lives of every citizen. Since the imposition of lock down in certain places like banks and ATMs have witnessed extraordinary rush in order to avail various govt. benefits under PMGKY. As a result, maintaining social distancing in such places have become a challenge.

Therefore, need has been felt to redesign such market places to enable automatic adherence to social distancing. Keeping this in view, Aboi Anti covid-19 task force has installed social distance Queue sheds outside the Banks and ATMs and the number of permitted inside the bank is also restricted.

The sheds are therefore to be used by citizens while waiting for their turns and seats in the sheds have been set up at the gap of two metres as per the recommendation of WHO. All seats are numbered as per the position in queue so as to help pregnant women, old age, pensioners and differently abled persons. Therefore, the public as well as the departments have been asked to comply with the preventive measures. 

(APRO Aboi)