iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)



All village and ward authorities under Longleng district have been requested to circulate and implement the following guidelines under their respective jurisdiction for surveillance of returnees coming to Longleng district from outside the state:

The returnees upon arrival to Longleng district shall self-isolation/Home quarantine for a period of 10 (ten) days. During the home quarantine period, the returnee will not allowed to venture outside the house. Visitors should be restricted and practice Covid-19 appropriate behavior.

The family of the returnee should not be discriminated in any way including procurement of essential commodities. The returnee shall be released from home quarantine after 10(ten) days if, He/She does not develop any Covid-19 related symptoms. In case of cough/fever/difficulty in breathing/ loss of sense of smell and taste/ conjunctivitis/ Diarrhea or any other Covid-19 related symptoms He/She should immediately report to the authority so that necessary action can be initiated.

Longleng District covid-19 Helpline No:-7005939851/ 9612927005/ 6009964294/ 8787614315.

(Manjong Phom, IA Longleng)