iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

The full text is as follows :

“Good evening,

As on today, a total of ­­­­­­­653 samples have been sent for testing from the State. Results of 640 samples have been received and all are negative. The results for the remaining 13 samples are awaited. Today, a total of 1755 persons have been screened and a total of 33 persons are under Facility Quarantine.

As regard the level of preparedness in health sector, I would like to inform that there are 12 dedicated COVID-19 Hospitals in the State equipped with 25 ventilators having a total capacity of 464 beds along with 48 ICU beds. We also have 117 isolation beds in these hospitals for suspect cases. For the purpose of transportation during medical emergencies, we have 99 Government and 40 private ambulances in the State as on today.

I would like to inform that the number of people of Nagaland stranded, or in distress outside the state, due to the Nationwide COVID-19 lockdown who have been given cash assistance has risen to 7114 comprising of 4476 working people, 2522 students and 116 patients.

On the availability of food grains, medicines, POL and other essential commodities, we have adequate stock in alldistricts of the State.

I conclude by once again requesting for everyone’s support in combating COVID-19. THANK YOU”