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The Liangmai Baptist Association (LBA) organised the launching event of Clean Election Movement (CEM), under the initiation of Nagaland Baptist Church Council (NBCC), at the association’s headquarter, Tening Town at Baptist High School, Tening on 6th August 2021.

The programme was presided by Kinkhambo Head Master Baptist High School Tening and keynote address was presented by P.Azon Women Secretary LBA and clean Election core Committee member.

Extra Assistant Commissioner, Nsong, Yimkum Ozukum in his speech asserted that every citizen above the age of 18 years has their right to choose and elect its leaders, to govern and to bring genuine changes and development in the society. The EAC urged that the public need to eliminate all kinds of malpractices during election. 

Pastor, Tening Village Baptist Church, K.Lailubo emphasized on the need to do away any kind of evil practices and encouraged the members to boldly speak out and stand for the truth. Tening Town women Wing Organization President, Champhung said that election should be conducted with clean and fair means and not influenced by any anti-social elements. Champhung further stated that, with the launching programme of Clean Election Movement, people will reaffirm and recommit their stand to support this movement.


(K.Zeliang, Asst. Director)