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Confederation of Nagaland Chamber of Commerce and Industries and Business Community of Nagaland, officially dedicated two numbers of Disinfectant tunnels to the people of Nagaland and was placed at the Railway station, Dimapur.

During the handing over programme held at the Railway station Dimapur on 22nd May, APC Nagaland who is also incharge of Dimapur district for COVID-19 activities Y.Kikheto Sema did the ribbon cutting in the presence of Convenor Empowered Committee also Secretary Food & Civil Supplies, Honje Konyak and CMO Dimapur, Dr.Tiasunep. While expressing appreciation to the CNCCI, Sema noted that he was happy to see many NGOs being a part of the mission for fighting COVID-19. This is not the first time for CNCCI but during other crisis too, they always come forward to render their services, Sema noted.

Further, Kikheto expressed that he has experienced the best part of his life within the past few months as it involves doing a noble job of COVID 19. He felt that it was the right time to come forward to do humanitarian works.

Announcing that Dimapur was ready to welcome the returnees arriving from Chennai, Sema said, "As a sign of honouring the returnees, their baggage should be compulsorily sanitised in the disinfectant tunnel." He also appreciated the media for playing active role in the fight against the pandemic and encouraged them to continue creating awareness in the minds of the people. After the function, Kikheto distributed face shields, masks and sanitisers to the media persons and police personnel and invited the media fraternity to be a part of welcoming the returnees.

(DPRO Dimapur)