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Kiphire DTF members held a coordination meeting with GBs/ward chairmen on 16th June 2020 at DPDB hall, chaired by Deputy Commissioner Sarita Yadav IAS.

Addl. SP Erie Kajire said that positive response and cooperation is being received from Kiphire public on the Government initiated precautionary/containment measures for Covid-19 Pandemic keeping the district free from Covid-19 so far. He therefore thanked and requested the elders to continue with their support.

Deputy CMO Tinurenla informed that the returnees who were quarantined in Kiphire town were tested twice and released with confirmation that the person was tested negative (-ve). Therefore, she requested the parents to accept those released / to be released without hesitation.

DC Sarita Yadav lauded the GBs, Ward elders and Civil Societies for showing 'positive gestures' during this pandemic. She added that Kiphire people have been accepting returnees of various communities with empathy and love and she encouraged them to keep it up in being a ' role model.'

In regard to persons who were tested negative (-ve) after completing their stay in the institutional quarantine, Kiphire the meeting decided that GBs and Ward Chairmen would take responsibility for conveyance of these persons to their respective home quarantines. Accordingly, Asuthong Tikhirwas inducted as Nodal Officer for GBs/Ward chairmen to liaise with DTF for people released from quarantine. They have further been advised to sensitize the public to refrain from fear and stigmatization.

As part of the measures against pandemic/diseases, members decided to have a mass social work in town on Saturday 20th June, starting from 6:00 a.m onwards. In this regard, Ward GBs/Chairmen have been directed to oversee that all the public are participated in the work, which will include cleaning up of drainages in town/wards. The meeting also decided to award the best performing ward.

(DPRO & IA Kiphire)