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A meeting of the Block Task Force (BTF) Bhandari, on COVID-19 was held at the conference hall of the Additional Deputy Commissioner, Bhandari, on 15th June 2020 to review management of the COVID-19 pandemic situation under Bhandari sub division. 

Assessing both administrative headquarter levels and the village levels of the sub division, Additional Deputy Commissioner and Chairman, BTF, Tiameren Chang, NCS, said that COVID-19 management SOP and protocol are in successful operation.

In the meeting, the BTF also informed that 16 quarantine inmates would be released on 16.06.2020 for home quarantine according to existing SOP rules.

The meeting also discussed on shortage of police personnel for patrolling duty in strategic areas during the present pandemic period and resolved to take up the matter to the concerned authorities for additional manpower.

A member officer also informed that given the nature of the porous Inter-State border area without physical boundary, the task of the 12 IRP personnel manning the sealed border round the clock is proving to be a challenging task and sought for consorted approach in dealing with the matter for effective sealing.

The meeting also discussed on the wellbeing of the quarantine inmates within the sub division, and reiterated that logistic support and arrangements in place will be continuously reviewed and monitored to ensure health safety and comfortable stay of the inmates at the institutional quarantine centres.

Lauding the pro-active role of the Civil Societies in assisting the district administration, medical and police by being a part of the BTF as frontline workers, ADC and Chairman, Tiameren Chang said that sharing responsibilities in such extraordinary times benefits the people.

He also lauded the Church leaders and health workers from Community Health Centre (CHC) Bhandari, who are taking up the role of counselling to help the inmates cope with the COVID-19 difficult times, and for creating environment for peaceful and smooth functioning of the quarantine centres within the sub division.

(APRO Bhandari)